2021 Tarnanthi Transport Subsidy Recipients
Sometimes, even though an exhibition visit is free, transport costs can inhibit schools visiting the Gallery. With the support of BHP, in 2021 AGSA Education was able to provide transport subsidies to categories 1–4 Department for Education schools located thirty km outside the CBD. This funding allowed schools to secure transport to see Tarnanthi and in most instances participate in a Gallery tour and Studio session. We welcomed a total of 1709 students to the Gallery under this program, which makes up for 34% of the total student Tarnanthi visitation for 2021. This total was 4,973, an increase of 53% from 2020 Tarnanthi, which means that Tarnanthi has been the most well attended exhibition by schools in 2021.
Aldinga Beach Primary School | Naracoorte High School |
Blakeview Primary School | Naracoorte South Primary |
Central Yorke School-Point Pearce campus | O'Sullivan Beach Primary School |
Christie Downs Primary School | Paralowie R-12 School |
Christies Beach High School | Peterborough High School |
Christies Beach Primary School | Pimpala Primary School |
Craigmore High School | Port Lincoln High School |
Crystal Brook Primary School | Riverview Preschool |
Gladstone High School | Sandy Creek Primary School |
Glossop High School | Seaford Rise Primary School |
Hackham West School | Seaford Secondary School |
John Hartley Primary School | South Downs Primary |
Keith Area School | Tanunda Primary School |
Mannum Community College | Victor Harbor High School |
Morphett Vale East Primary School | Victor Harbor R-7 Unit at Victor Harbor Primary School |
Morphett Vale East School | Wallaroo Mines Primary School |
Naracoorte High School | Yankalilla Area School |
Gladstone High School Year 9 & 10
Thanks for having Gladstone High School today and for funding our transport! My year 9 and 10s loved it and have made very positive comments. Great tours and each experienced slightly different things which is cool because they can talk about the different things they saw, and also was geared to what piqued their interests.
Back at school, as part of the Year 6 and 7 transition students from Crystal Brook Primary, Gladstone Primary, and Laura Primary each had a short art lesson in which they were introduced to John Prince Siddon and completed the Boab Nut activity we participated in at the Gallery. Students used pencil and oil pastel to draw things that were important to them or patterns they see in their own lives. Their designs and installed as a small collaborative installation in the classroom- representing the way they will all come together as a new group next year when they begin at Gladstone High School in the Mid-North.
Jackie McAllister | Visual Art and Science Teacher
John Hartley School Years 2-6
The children had a truly special day. The children were interested and engaged because the artworks that we looked at in the tour were so well chosen and described by Linda and Christina. The workshop with Amanda was also great. She was so clear, organised and fun! At the end of the day I asked all of the children about their favourite bit of the day. Many chose artworks or making the boab nuts, but one chose the red carpet in the studio workshop!
Teresa Butler-Bowdon | Teacher at John Hartley
O'Sullivan Beach Primary School
This was our first time at AGSA - thank you for having us, it was an enjoyable day and the students are still talking about it! Our students loved the hands on activity in the studio session, to be able to create their own art work on their 3D boab nuts was excellent. They were excited to have something to bring back to school to share with our community. We have plans to continue to use the resources to support our art curriculum in 2022. Overall, it was a valuable experience, and we would come back again if the opportunity presented itself.
Christina Munro | Year 1/2 Teacher
Yankalilla Area School Years 7-10
This term, we were lucky enough to receive a grant from BHP and the Art Gallery of SA (AGSA) to cover our transportation costs to visit this year's Tarnanthi exhibition.
Initially, we were welcomed to The Studio by an ex-Yankalilla Area School teacher, Judith Sweetman, and given the opportunity to create our own artworks based on the works of Walmajarri artist, John Prince Siddon. Using a template of a boab tree nut, we created a 3D artwork which we will hopefully install in the YAS library. As you can see from the photographs, they are very colourful and definitely eye catching, just like the art of John Prince Siddon!
After a lunch break in the gallery grounds, we joined our guides Linda, Diane and Brian for an informative tour of the artworks. There was an amazing array of art, ranging from paintings on animal skulls and skins and pieces of old cars, to artworks on bark and canvas depicting the life and Dreamings of the artists involved. Photography and ceramics also featured. It was incredible to see how the artwork changed from region to region, and I even spotted some Indonesian batik influence in some of the art from the Tiwi islands.
Some of the feedback from students:
"The birds made from nuts were effective. The way they were displayed looked like they were a flock of birds flying" - Sienna
"Making cars from old car parts was really clever. They were all really interesting to look at - all the patterns and colours that represented something to the artist"-Nik
"Our guide was so informative that we had people from the general public joint our tour" - Jake
A huge thank you to BHP for allowing us this opportunity by providing the transport grant.
We look forward to seeing what work 2022 brings.
Penny Ellin | The Arts
Crystal Brook Primary School
We were so grateful to receive a grant for our school to visit Tarnanthi, not one of our students had visited AGSA prior to this excursion. It was the first time all of our staff (except one) had visited the gallery also. Our highlights were the large art displays, the guided tour and the studio session. Our students learnt more about Eddie Mabo (his daughter's artwork sparked their interest) and we have many self directed inquiry questions students then researched upon returning to school, not only with regards to Eddie Mabo, but Aboriginal Art in general.
Leanne Clements | Crystal Brook PS Teacher
Blanchetown Primary School
I just wanted to say a big thank you for the opportunity to visit the Art Gallery yesterday. All of our students, across all year levels thoroughly enjoyed the visit and were able to tell us something they learnt from the day. The staff were fantastic! The volunteer tour guides were great with the students and made the tour interesting and engaging. Jessie in the studio was also helpful and knowledgeable and everyone loved making their own boab nuts. It was great to be able to provide the students with such a positive end to the year, with majority of them rarely, some never visiting the city. This is the first excursion to Adelaide they have been on in the last few years. Many have said they want to go back and see the rest of the Gallery. Thank you again!
Caitlyn Farrugia |Year 3-7 classroom teacher
Keith Area School Years 9 - 11
I just wanted to say thank you for allowing us to come and participate in the workshop activity and guided tour of Tarnanthi today. Here is a photo of the year 9/10/11 art students after the workshop activity. It was a great experience for the students, they really enjoyed it.
Emily Millhouse | Visual Art Teacher
Morphett Vale East Years 1 – 3
What a great day we all had! Please send our heartfelt thanks to all staff and volunteers. Our children were so engaged and there was much discussion afterwards on the bus ride back to school. The workshop was fantastic and just pitched so appropriately for our year levels. Our guides during the facilitated tour were very knowledgeable and the children were listening well. It was a great learning day for all. Once again thank you. So many of our children have never been to the Art Gallery!
Tammy O'Donoghue | Morphett Vale East
Thank you for the opportunity for our school to visit the art gallery. We visited on Monday and the students and teachers absolutely loved it. Having the opportunity for free transport to attend made the visit possible. I don't believe any of our students had visited the art gallery before so this was a wonderful opportunity. The students loved seeing the artwork and participating in the studio session. It engaged lots of discussion and excitement in art with the students. The staff were very friendly and the guides extremely knowledgeable. Thank you also for the resources given to the school. Thank you for allowing us this opportunity.
Sarah McClure | Morphett Vale East
More subsidy recipient students experiencing Tarnanthi
Tarnanthi is presented by the Art Gallery of South Australia with Principal Partner BHP and support from the Government of South Australia
AGSA’s education programs are supported by the Government of South Australia through the Department for Education.