Tarnanthi Exhibition

The City of Port Adelaide Enfield has partnered with Tarnanthi to showcase its local Aboriginal community as part of the Port Festival, 9 – 10 October, which includes guided walking tours of public artworks, art projections, a ‘bark’ installation, public weaving workshops, and performances from Kurruru Youth Performing Arts and Bangarra’s Rekindling Youth Program. The Port Festival also features a partnership with the Adelaide Film Festival and the 9:16 Showcase of Vertical Cinema.

Bark Art
8 – 18 October 2015
Port Adelaide
Artists: Donald Taylor and Robert Jessen

Port Projector
8 – 18 October 2015
Port Adelaide Enfield Council Chambers
Artists: Cedric Varcoe, Rama Kaltu-Kaltu Sampson, Imiyari Adamson, Yaritji Heffernan, Amari Tjalkuri, Karen Kulyuru, Nami Kulyuru, Daisybell Kulyuru, Nelly Patterson and Physillis Edwards.

10 October 2015
Bangarra Dance Theatre and Kurruru Youth Performing Arts

Public Art Walk
11 October 2015
Walking tour led by Margaret Brodie (descendent of Lartelare) and Jane Marr, Arts and Cultural Development Officer, City of Port Adelaide Enfield.

9:16 Vertical Film Showcase
22 October 2015
Flour Shed – Hart’s Mill
The 9:16 Vertical Film Showcase is curated by Mike Retter, Chris Luscri and Adelaide Film Festival.

The 2015 Tarnanthi Port Festival is presented in partnership with the City of Port Adelaide Enfield and The Port Festival.