Bespoke Gallery Tours
We are pleased to offer Bespoke Gallery Tours of AGSA's collection and temporary exhibitions to corporate, community and family and friend groups.
Led by one of our Volunteer Gallery Guides, your group will be taken on a 50 minute tour of AGSA, focusing on an area of the gallery that is of particular interest to you.
Available tour topics are subject to guide and gallery availability.
Each guide can take a maximum of 15 people at a cost of $100. Larger groups may be accommodated at an additional cost.
All payments for Bespoke Gallery Tours contribute to the ongoing training of our Volunteer Gallery Guides.
We require at least four (4) weeks notice to arrange your Bespoke Gallery Tour. Please view our available tour topics and make your booking request here.
Full terms and conditions of Bespoke Gallery Tours can be found here.
For all school and education group visits, please make your booking request here.
Free AGSA tours leave from the Vestibule at the North Terrace entrance at 11am and 2pm daily. Tours are subject to volunteer guide availability.
E guides@artgallery.sa.gov.au
T 08 8207 7000