Sticker Design Competition
Calling young artists and designers! Want the chance to have your artwork turned into a limited edition of stickers to be released across South Australia?
We’re looking for six awesome artworks to become part of an exclusive sticker sheet to release this October, with each sticker designed by a different South Australian teen.
The only rule? The word ‘Neo’ has to appear somewhere on each of your designs!
Entries have now closed.
- How do I get started?
- If my work is selected, where will my stickers appear?
- Key Dates
- Top Tips & Tricks
- Checklist
- Terms and Conditions
- Have a question?
- Download the sticker template
- Get making! You can create your sticker designs digitally, or print the template and draw, collage, or paint straight onto it. Any art materials or combination of art materials can be used as long as the file can be submitted at a high-resolution digitally. Don’t forget to include the word ‘Neo’ somewhere!
- Submit your designs using the provided template and our online Entry Form by 15 September 2020
We want to showcase your work with other young people around South Australia! Neo will release a print run of 2000 sticker sheets this October!
If your work is selected, you might see your stickers...
- Around South Australian schools
- Included in our special Neo mail-out packs
- Being handed out at Neo Full Moon on Saturday October 31
- Stuck around the streets of South Australia!
Entries close on Tuesday 15 September 2020 at 5pm. We’ll notify you if your stickers are selected by Wednesday 30 September.
- Keep it simple! Remember, the sticker is only 6cm wide.
- Make sure text is clear and readable
- See the dotted line around the template of each circle? That’s called the ‘bleed’ - you can extend your design into this zone, but it allows trimming area for the printers. So go ahead and draw in that area, but don’t place any important detail in there. Check out this example template.
Make sure to run through this checklist before you enter your design...
- Does the word ‘Neo’ appear in each of my sticker designs?
- Have I got a digital file of my final designs on the sticker template?
- Is the file 300 dpi?
- Do I have my key contact details on hand?
- Has my guardian and I read the Terms and Conditions?
- The artwork submitted must be the original work of the entrant themselves and not infringe the copyright, moral rights or other rights of any third party. This means you must not copy an artwork or photograph created by another person or an image from another source such as the internet or a print publication.
- Artworks that are deemed not to belong to or be created by the entrant will NOT be eligible.
- I agree to have my artwork printed and distributed by Neo from October 2020
- I agree that my artwork does not contain any offensive material and is suitable for all ages to view.
- Please keep any physical copies of the finished artwork – you may be contacted regarding future AGSA projects.
- Entrants will be added to Art Gallery of South Australia's enews.
- Details of the work may be used at the Gallery’s discretion.
- Entrants will not be entitled to any fee for such use.
- Licensing the artwork: Entrants grant the Gallery non-exclusive rights to reproduce their artwork in material form, to photograph, publish and/or communicate it to the public for the following project-related purposes, and anything incidental to such purposes, by the Gallery, its program partners and sponsors (including The Balnaves Foundation): marketing, publicity, educational and publication uses for the Gallery, the competition and its exhibition in all media, including but not limited to electronic/digital, broadcasting and print media in perpetuity.
- A presenting partner of Neo, the licensing permission extends to the Balnaves Foundation, who may wish to reproduce artworks via their communication channels.
- Artwork containing photography of kids is not permitted.
You’re now ready to submit your Registration Form!
Get in touch with Teen Programs Officer Bernadette Klavins at neo@artgallery.sa.gov.au!