Meet the Neo Ambassadors
Get to know the Neo Ambassador crew with some key stats, and enjoy the character profile pics that talented member, Madeleine Coates, created for the team!
Photo: Madeleine Coates.
Name: Madeleine
Nickname: Maddy, Mads
Age: 16
Favourite Artist: Audra Auclair, Agnes Cecile, Malcolm Liepke, Alphonse Mucha, Victoria Gedvillas... too many!
Favourite Art Form: Drawing/painting
Favourite Colour: Navy blue
Favourite Part About Neo: Just being immersed in the gallery environment and being part of the art scene
Hobbies: Making art, reading, playing video games
Favourite Musician/Genre: Japanese indie rock/city pop
Inspiration: All of my favourite artists
Favourite Movie: Anything Studio Ghibli
Favourite Quote: Don't have one :-(
You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with said elephant? Become best friends with the elephant (nevermind the logistics!)
Photo: Madeleine Coates.
Name: Cleopatra
Nickname: Cleo
Age: 16
Favourite Artist: Ben Quilty
Favourite Art Form: Dance or watercolour painting
Favourite Colour: Pink
Favourite Part About Neo: The social aspect and the people.
Hobbies: Spending time with my friends and family
Favourite Musician/Genre: Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Inspiration: My Family and the people around me
Favourite Movie: High School Musical
Favourite Quote: “The purpose of our lives is to be happy”. – Dalai Lama
You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with said elephant? I would keep it and make my own zoo, in my backyard.
Photo: Madeleine Coates.
Name: Charlotte Lockwood
Nickname: Lottie, Charlottie, Clottie
Age: 13
Favourite Artist: Monet
Favourite Part About Neo: Holding the Neo nights and seeing our ideas being put into reality
Hobbies: hockey, playing saxophone and piano, performing arts, musical theatre, creating art
Favourite Musician/Genre: Favourite musician: Lauren Daigle and Favourite Genre: Contemporary
Favourite Quote: why fit in when you were born to stand out. - Dr Seuss
Favourite Movie: The Greatest Showman or Les Miserables
You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with said elephant: Eat it (because it would cost a lot to maintain)
Photo: Madeleine Coates.
Name: Elizabeth
Nickname: Lizzie
Age: 16
Favourite Artist: Nathan Ferlazzo or Hokusai
Favourite Art Form: Photography or painting
Favourite Colour: Red
Favourite Part About Neo: Meeting new people and immersing myself in the gallery
Hobbies: Photography, chemistry, reading, music
Favourite Musician/Genre: Bastille, indie/rock
Inspiration: Marianne Curley, Dan Reynolds or Amelia Earhart
Favourite Movie: I don't have one particular favourite, maybe Brother Bear
Favourite Quote: "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about dancing in the rain."
You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with said elephant?: Move to the country and inconspicuously raise the elephant
Photo: Madeleine Coates.
Name: Remii Clare Murray
Nickname: Remski
Age: 14
Favourite Artist: Vincent Van Gogh
Favourite Art Form: acrylic paint
Favourite Colour: blue
Favourite Part About Neo: All of the fun activities
Hobbies: Painting
Favourite Musician/Genre: Conan Gray
Inspiration: My Mum
Favourite Movie: Call me by your name
Favourite Quote: Rock and roll is not dead - yungblud
You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with said elephant? I would try to keep the elephant to the best of my ability.
Photo: Madeleine Coates.
Name: Ezra Lockwood
Nickname: Ez, Ezy, or C.C.
Age: 14 years, 11 months, 20 days, 19 hours, 13 minutes, and 30 seconds or watching all 11 main Star Wars movies approximately 6352 times consecutively.
Favourite Artist: Pablo Picasso
Favourite Art Form: Architecture and Cubism
Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite Part About Neo: The unique and bright experiences
Hobbies: Clarinet, Painting, Cycling, Gaming, and a little bit motorbiking.
Favourite Musician/Genre: J.Williams is my favourite composer and I like the Contemporary genre.
Inspiration: Bold and sharp shapes, a match of dark & light colours, and sound.
Favourite Movie: Star Wars
Favourite Quote: “I can do all things through he gives me strength”
You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with the said elephant? I would ride it to school and then take it to Africa to release it. Technically this isn’t giving it away.
Photo: Madeleine Coates.
Name: Claire Chessman
Nickname: bee, weeb
Age: 18
Favourite Artist: Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Favourite Art Form: Realism
Favourite Colour: Green
Favourite Part About Neo: Being able to see different forms of art being produced/involving young people
Hobbies: Painting, gaming
Favourite Musician/Genre: Favourite musician is too hard, but i like indie.alternative music
Inspiration: My friends
Favourite Movie: Rocky horror picture show!
You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with said elephant? I would give it the best life i can and try obtain a friend for them!
Photo: Madeleine Coates.
Name: Hayden
Age: 16
Favourite Artist: idk ahahahah
Favourite Art Form: Architecture
Favourite Colour: Lime
Favourite Part About Neo: Opportunities for everyone to get engaged!!
Hobbies: Graphic design, photography, travelling
Favourite Musician/Genre: Songs in foreign languages
Inspiration: Travel magnets, insightful photographs, elegant fonts
Favourite Movie: can't think of specific one but a lot of LGBT+ movies are lit!!
Favourite Quote: "Take the road less travelled."
You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with said elephant? I would raise awareness of endangered animals in general by fostering it into an internet personality.
Photo: Madeleine Coates.
Name: Perry
Nickname: isn’t my name short enough?
Age: 15
Favourite Artist: Gary Winogrand
Favourite Art Form: Photography
Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite Part About Neo: How do I choose?
Hobbies: Photography
Favourite Musician/Genre: Shoffy or Peach Pit
Favourite Movie: Crazy Rich Asian’s lmao
Favourite Quote: “Be who you want to be, unless you want to be a serial killer in which case please give up on your dreams” ~Unknown
You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with said elephant? I would embrace my luck and train it as my guard “dog” and life companion :)
Photo: Madeleine Coates.
Name: Claudia Montaigne
Nickname: Claudie
Age: 14
Favourite Artist: Leonardo Da Vinci
Favourite Art Form: Performing arts
Favourite Colour: Yellow
Favourite Part About Neo: The art workshops and the badge making
Hobbies: Digital art, Photography
Favourite Musician/Genre: Aurora
Inspiration: My friends and family
Favourite Movie: Parasite- It's got beautiful shots
Favourite Quote: Here comes the sun, and I say it's alright- The Beatles
You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with said elephant? I would take it to its natural habitat and let it be free in the wild.
Name: Georgia
Nickname: G
Age: 17
Favourite Artist: Jasmine Becket-Griffith
Favourite Art Form: music
Favourite Colour: green
Favourite Part About Neo: Interactions with people
Hobbies: Watching movies and dancing
Favourite Musician/Genre: Tash Sultana
Inspiration: Russel Brand
Favourite Movie: Pitch Perfect
You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with said elephant? Release it back to its home