Monster Theatres - Keynote Talk - Larissa Hjorth – Ecogrief, creative practice and hope
Saturday 29 Feb 2020, 3pm
Enjoy Keynote Talks that explore central themes in Monster Theatres
Distinguished Professor Larissa Hjorth reflects on ecogrief and the power of creative practice and ethnography to transform how we live in the world.
Hjorth is a socially-engaged artist and digital ethnographer. She has two decades experience working in interdisciplinary, collaborative, playful and socially innovative digital media methods to explore intergenerational relationships in cross-cultural contexts. Hjorth has explored the socio-cultural dimensions of mobile media in many contexts such as Japan, South Korea, China and Australia. Hjorth has published over 100 publications on the topic – recent publications include Haunting Hands, Understanding Social Media, Creative Practice Ethnographies and Ambient Play.
Supported by Naomi Milgrom AO, through the Naomi Milgrom Foundation