South Australian Artists Fund
AGSA and philanthropists working together to support artists during the COVID-19 crisis
Applications are now closed.
The Art Gallery of South Australia (AGSA) is reinvigorating its South Australian Artists Fund to support artists during this difficult period.
Working hand-in-hand with its philanthropic community, AGSA is extending its SA Artists Fund to offer direct financial support for visual artists in South Australia. Initial philanthropic supporters include The James and Diana Ramsay Foundation and the Neilson Foundation. Their support has provided the initial offer of ‘Artist Bursaries’ of $10,000 each for South Australian visual artists who are experiencing hardship as a result of COVID-19 situation.
This bursary is for the express purpose of supporting artists (including individuals, collectives and art centres) at this time. No presentation outcomes are expected.
Our vision is to be the inspirational leader for visual arts in South Australia and contribute powerfully to culture in Australia and beyond. The AGSA operates according to the South Australian Public Sector Code of Ethics and Public Sector Values and Behaviours Framework.
Applications closed Monday 18 May 2020 at 5pm ACST.
Rebecca van Essen
Benefaction and Contemporary Collectors Coordinator
E SAartistsfund@artgallery.sa.gov.au