Warm up

Describe Coates and Nazzari’s Internal Interior sculpture in three words. As a class collate these words on a large sheet of paper. Using these words as a starting point what might the artists be communicating?

Investigate, research and write

  • Coates has spent much of her time exploring the ocean and shares an endless fascination and empathy for marine species. Investigate the effects humans are having on the ocean. What are some things we can do to minimise our impact on the ocean?
  • Research an unusual sea creature such as the flamingo tongue snail, clown frog fish, dumbooctopus or the eastern fiddler ray. Write a story about your unusual sea creature that includes interesting information about what it looks like, where it lives, what it eats and who its predators are.
  • Investigate marine habitat loss in Australia. What are the causes of this loss? Write a letter to your local environment minister about your findings and concerns.

Make a collaborative coral reef

Collect images of coral and marine life and complete a series of drawings. Experiment by combining two or three of your drawings to create a new species. Make a clay, plasticine or paper sculpture of your morphed species and create a collaborative reef installation with your classmates.

Create a climate badge

Investigate what radical environmental changes have occurred in Australia in the last 20 years. Recently artists have been making climate badges to send to their local politician in response to the inaction regarding climate change. Create your own climate badge.

Exquisite Collage

Using a variety of images of sea creatures, plants and animals, create an exquisite collage. Transform your collage into a 3D version of your monstrous creation using clay or plasticine. Name your unique marine creature.

Education Resource

More ideas for the classroom with links to biology and the environment