2021 Start Art Prize Winners
Selected by AGSA curator Rebecca Evans
Congratulations to all the young art stars who entered this year’s Start Art Prize. Here is the list of winners selected by AGSA curator Rebecca Evans.
Artists Under 3
Under 3, Margot in the sun, It’s holes.
Margot in the sun, it’s holes
Congratulations Margot! I love your creative use of grid paper and coloured pencils which you’ve used to create line drawings as well as punching holes in the paper. An original and exciting use of your materials.
Under 3, Rosa, Alessandra 21 months and has learning the names for Italian colours. You can view her creating it and other pieces @ YouTube.
Congratulations Alessandra! You have used some on my favourite colours in your painting. I really enjoyed the layers of speckled paint you’ve used, and I understand you have learnt the Italian names for the colours in your painting. Good job!
Artists 3-5 Years
3-5 years, The fairy tree, So there’s leaves and there’s a shower. It’s actually outside. 20 fairies live there.
The fairy tree
Congratulations Darcy! What a fantastic collage. You’ve created a wonderfully harmonious work with a range of colours, shapes and materials. I think you’re right; fairies must live in the garden you’ve created.
The dinosaur and the architect
Congratulations Scarlett! Wow, what a wonderful mix or colour, shape and composition you’ve created in gouache on paper. I’m intrigued by the title you’ve given the work; I can only guess which parts relate to the dinosaur and the architect. Thank you for making and sharing your work.
Artists 6-8 Years
Tasmanian Devil
Congratulations Holly! I agree, Tasmanian devils are amazing animals. How lucky are we to live in a part of the world with such diverse animals? I really enjoyed the way you’ve used coloured textas to depict your tassie devil in the wild.
Dunggiirr Gagu (Koala brother)
Congratulations Ngayan! Thank you for sharing this dreaming story. I really enjoyed how you’ve depicted the koala’s intestines / ‘magic string’ as well as the contrast between ochre and turquoise blue acrylic pain. Good job!
Artists 9-10 Years
9-10 years, Who?, Who am I? Interactive experience with colour changing body depending on angle and light.
Congratulations Evangeline! I love the title you’ve given your collage. Indeed, what is this fantastical creature you’ve created? I love your use of aluminium foil, and painted card to make an animal that looks part spider, part bear and 100% fantastic. Well done.
9-10 years, My drawing is about not littering., This artwork gives a very important message which is don’t litter because look at what it does.
My drawing is about not littering
Congratulations Danielle. Art has long been used to tell important and timely messages. Your work Don’t litter is an important reminder to take great care with the consumption and disposal of convenience plastics. Thank you for sharing this critical message through art.
Artists 11-12 Years
On the 7th of July
Congratulations Zachary! I really enjoyed your use of line and colour to create a dramatic and energetic drawing. Well done!
11-12 years, In space and over the sea, In space and over the sea
In space and over the sea
Congratulations Malika! I love the title for your work, I agree, space is just like the ocean- a foreign and undiscovered realm. Your collage work wonderfully depicts this, and I am particularly fond of the pink and blue iridescent shards of card floating across the surface. Well done!
Start Art Prizes generously donated by Premier Art Supplies
Prizes courtesy of