Ara Katjarraku (Katjarra’s stories)

Katjarra Butler grew up living a traditional lifestyle with her family, guided by the Tjukurrpa (ancestral creation stories and beliefs) throughout Ngaanyatjarra and Pintupi Country in the Western Desert of Western Australia. She recently returned to the ancestral sites depicted in these paintings with her daughter and grandson and has shared some of the associated stories in the texts and video.

Kurralkana watjaninpa, ngayulu tjinana parrayankupayi. Ara ngaanya ngayuku, kurralka nyinapayina.

I am talking about long ago, when I used to travel through Country. This is my story, when I used to live in the early days.


Katjarra Butler
Ngaanyatjarra/Pintupi people, Western Australia
Tjarlirli Art