The country’s longest-standing survey of contemporary Australian art.
The 1996 Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art includes work by twenty artists from across Australia. With a focus on experiences of being, reflecting the artists’ experiences of the world, the artists of the 1996 Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art represent diverse and complex cultural and social backgrounds.
Centred on the concept of the Doppelgänger or body-double, the 1996 Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art contains a two-part exhibition structure: investigations into the body in terms of psychological, physiological and somatic intensities (including the semiotics of drugs); and the psycho-social implications of the ‘readymade’ in the 1990s. The exhibition examines questions of subjectivity through architecture, music, text, film, video, two- and three-dimensional visual arts projects and light.
Christopher Chapman
Craige Andrae, Brook Andrew, James Angus, Catherine Bell, Gordon Bennett, Kate Beynon, Shane Breynard, Aadje Bruce, Adam Cullen, eX de Medici, Dale Frank, D.Zippi and Zöe Laggner, Pat Larter, Richard Larter, David McDowell, Bronwyn Platten, Paul Quinn, Scott Redford, Mike Stevenson and Alison Weaver.
The 1996 Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art is an Art Gallery of South Australia exhibition presented in association with the Telstra Adelaide Festival. The exhibition is assisted by the Australian Government through Australia Council for the Arts, and generously supported by Foundation S.A., Channel 9 and Santos Ltd.