Leave a legacy in your will
Contribute to the development of AGSA’s collection and programs by gifting artworks, financial assistance or property to the AGSA Foundation. Your generosity can benefit visitors for generations to come.
Bequests are managed by the Foundation and can be directed towards expanding your favourite collecting area or made without restriction, allowing the Gallery to direct funds where they are needed most. Bequests can also be made to honour the memory of family or other loved ones, with their name appearing in appropriate acknowledgements.
If you leave a bequest to the AGSA Foundation you will be:
- invited to join the Thomas Elder Circle and attend exclusive annual Thomas Elder Circle events
- acknowledged with the corresponding level of Foundation membership
- formally acknowledged on the Donors’ Board and in the Foundation Annual Report
- acknowledged for all gifts of works of art or acquisitions made with the support of a bequest, in the caption of the work and wherever the image of that work is reproduce
Thomas Elder Circle
The Thomas Elder Circle honours your bequest during your lifetime offering a unique opportunity to develop a closer relationship with AGSA.
The Elder Bequest was the first major bequest fund to any Australian gallery and this act of generosity transformed AGSA’s collection.
Please consider joining the Gallery’s Thomas Elder Circle by making a notified bequest and enriching the lives of future generations.
For further information or to notify us of a bequest, please contact the Foundation:
Art Gallery of South Australia
North Terrace, Adelaide 5000
P 0 8 7085 1671
E foundation@artgallery.sa.gov.au