Language group
Adnyamathanha people, South Australia
Adnyamathanha/Luritja people, South Australia
Alyawarr people, Northern Territory
Alyawarre people, Northern Territory
Angkamuthi/Yadhaykana people, Northern Cape York, Queensland
Angkum people, Queensland
Anindilyakwa people, Northern Territory
Anmatyerr people, Northern Territory
Anmatyerr/Luritja/Western Aranda people, Northern Territory/Pitjantjatjara people, South Australia
Anmatyerre people, Northern Territory
Anmatyerre/Alyawarr people, Northern Territory
Anmatyerre/Alyawarre people, Northern Territory
Anmatyerre/Arrernte people, Northern Territory
Anmatyerre/Northern Arrernte people, Northern Territory
Antikirinjara/Mirning people, South Australia
Arabunna people, South Australia
Aranda/Luritja people, Northern Territory
Aranda/Pitjantjatjara/Yankunytjatjara people, South Australia
Arrernte people, Northern Territory
Arrernte people, Northern Territory, Kalkadoon people, Queensland
Arrernte/Luritja people, Northern Territory
Arrernte/Luritja/Western Arrernte/Anmatyerr people, Northern Territory
Arrernte/Pitjantjatara people, Northern Territory/South Australia
Arrernte/Pitjantjatjara/Luritja/Yankunytjatjara people, Northern Territory
Badimaya people, Western Australia
Balanggarra people, Western Australia
Balladong people, Western Australia
Balmbi people, Northern Territory
Banjiyma people, Western Australia
Bard people, Western Australia
Bardi people, Western Australia
Barkandji people, New South Wales
Barkindji people, New South Wales
Batjala people, Queensland
Ben Lomond and Cape Portland people, Lutruwita (Tasmania)
Bibbullmun people, Western Australia
Bidjara people, Queensland
Bigambul people, Queensland
Binjareb Nyoongar people, Western Australia
Boigu, Kala-lagaw-ya people, Torres Strait Islands, Queensland
Burarra people, Northern Territory
Burarra/Yanhangu people, Northern Territory
Burrara people, Northern Territory
Buyuyukulmirr/Liyagawumirr people, Northern Territory
Central Arrernte people, Northern Territory
Dangbon/Kunwinjku people, Northern Territory
Datiwuy people, Northern Territory
Dhalwaŋu clan, Yolŋu people, Northern Territory
Dhalwaŋu people, Northern Territory
Dhudi-Djapu/Dha-malamirr clan, Yolŋu people, Northern Territory
Djambarrpuyngu people, Northern Territory
Djambarrpuyŋu people, Northern Territory
Djapu clan, Yolŋu people, Northern Territory
Djinang people, Northern Territory
Djinang Yan-nhangu people, Northern Territory
Djinang/Marrangu people, Northern Territory
Djowinge moiety/Djinang people, Northern Territory
Dyaru people, Western Australia
Dyaru/Wangkatjunga people, Western Australia
Eastern Anmatyerre people, Northern Territory
Eastern Aranda people, Northern Territory
Eastern Arrernte/Alyawarr people, Northern Territory
Eastern Kunwinjku people, Northern Territory
Erubam Le people,Torres Strait Islands
Gagadju (Kakadu) people, Northern Territory
Galpu clan, Yolŋu people, Northern Territory
Galpu people, Northern Territory
Gamilaroi/Wailwan people, New South Wales
Ganalbingu people, Northern Territory
Garrawurra people, Northern Territory
Garrwurra people, Northern Territory
Gija people, Western Australia
Girramay people, Queensland
Girramay/Yidinji/Kuku Yalanji people, Queensland
Gooniyandi people, Western Australia
Goreng/Minang/Nyoongar people, Western Australia
Gumatj clan, Yolŋu people, Northern Territory
Gun-nartpa people, Northern Territory
Gunditjmara people, Victoria
Gupapuyngu people, Northern Territory
Gupapuyngu/Dhuuwala people, Northern Territory
Gupapuyŋu-Gaykamaŋu people, Northern Territory
Gurindji/Malngin/Mudpurra people, Northern Territory
Gurr-goni people, Northern Territory
Gurrindji/ Arrernte people, Northern Territory
Jawoyn people, Northern Territory
Jirrbal people, Queensland
Kaiadilt people, Bentinck Island, Queensland
Kala Lagaw Ya people, Torres Strait Islands
Kamilaroi/Gamilaraay people, New South Wales
Kamilaroi/Gamilaraay/Gummaroi people, New South Wales
Kamilaroi/Gamilaroi/Gamilaraay people, New South Wales
Kamilaroi/Kooma people, northern Riverine region, Jiman/Gurang Gurang people, north-east region, Que
Kamilaroi/Wonnarua peoples
Kaurna people, South Australia/ Te Arawa, New Zealand
Kaurna/Ngarrindjeri people, South Australia
Kaytetye people, Northern Territory
Koinjmal people, Queensland
Kokatha/Nukunu people, South Australia
Kudjila/Gangalu people, Queensland
Kugu-Uwanh people, Queensland
Kukatja people, Western Australia
Kukatja, Purtitjarra, Mantjilytjarra and Wangkajungka people, Western Australia
Kukatja/Manyjilyjarra peoples, Western Australia
Kukatja/Pintupi people, Western Australia
Kukatja/Walpiri people, Western Australia
Kukatja/Wangkatjunga people, Western Australia
KuKu people, far north Queensland, Queensland, Erub/Mer people, Torres Strait Islands
Kuku Yalandji/Yidindji/Gugu Yimithirr/Koko Berrin/Waanji people, Queensland
Kuku Yalanji people, Queensland
Kul Ka Gal language, Central Torres Strait Islands
Kune people, Northern Territory
Kune/Dalabon/Rembarrnga people, Northern Territory
Kune/Dangbon people, Northern Territory
Kuninjku people, Northern Territory
Kununjku people, Northern Territory
Kunwinjku people, Northern Territory
Kunwinjku/Dangbon people, Northern Territory
Kwatkwat people, Victoria
Lardil people, Queensland
Ligagalawumirr people, Northern Territory
Liyagalawumirr people, Northern Territory
Liyagawumirr people, Northern Territory
Liyagawumirr-Garrawurra people, Northern Territory
Luritja people, Northern Territory
Luritja/Arrernte people, Northern Territory
Luritja/Ngaanyatjarra/Pintupi people, Northern Territory
Luritja/Pitjantjatjara people, Northern Territory
Luritja/Walpiri people, Northern Territory
Luritja/Warlpiri people, Northern Territory
Madarrpa clan, Yolŋu people, Northern Territory
Maluyligal/Wuthathi/Dayak people, Waiben (Thursday Island), Torres Strait Islands, Queensland
Mandalpingu people, Northern Territory
Manggalili clan, Yolŋu people, Northern Territory
Manyarrngu people, Northern Territory
Mara/Wardarang people, Northern Territory
Marra people, Northern Territory
Marra/Nunggubuyu people, Northern Territory
Marrakulu clan, Yolŋu people, Northern Territory
Marrakulu people, Northern Territory
Marrakulu/Dhurili clan, Yolŋu people, Northern Territory
Marrangur-Djinang people, Northern Territory
Marri Ngarr people, Northern Territory
Marringar people, Northern Territory
Meriam Mer/Kuku people, Torres Strait Islands
Meriam Mir people, Erub (Darnley) Island, Torres Strait Islands, Queensland
Meriam people, Torres Strait Islands
Miriwoong/Gajirrawoong people, Western Australia
Mirning people, South Australia
Mirriwong/Gajirrawoong people, Western Australia
Nakkara people, Northern Territory
Ngaantjatjarra people, Western Australia
Ngaanyatjarra people, Western Australia
Ngaanyatjarra people, Western Australia/Pitjantjatjara people, South Australia
Ngaanyatjarra/Pintupi people, Western Australia
Ngaatjatjara people, South Australia/Western Australia
Ngadjon/Mamu people, Queensland
Ngarrindjeri people, South Australia
Ngugi/Quandamooka people, southeast Queensland
Noongar people, Western Australia
Pintupi / Warlpiri people, Northern Territory
Pintupi people, Northern Territory
Pintupi people, Northern Territory/Western Australia
Pintupi people, Western Australia
Pintupi/Ngaatjatjarra people, Northern Territory/Western Australia
Pitjantjatjara people, Northern Territory
Pitjantjatjara people, South Australia
Pitjantjatjara people, Western Australia
Pitjantjatjara/Yankunytjatjara people, South Australia
Pitjantjatjara/Yankunytjatjara people, South Australia/Northern Territory
Rembarrnga people, Northern Territory
Rirratjingu clan, Yolŋu people, Northern Territory
Southern Arrernte people, Northern Territory
Tiwi people, Northern Territory
Trawlwoolway people, Lutruwita (Tasmania)
Waanyi people, Queensland
Waka Waka people, Queensland
Walmajarri people, Western Australia
Walpiri people, Northern Territory
Warlpiri people, Northern Territory
Warlpiri/Anmatyerre people, Northern Territory
Warlpiri/Luritja people, Northern Territory
Western Aranda people, Northern Territory
Western Aranda/Loritja people, Northern Territory
Western Arrernte people, Northern Territory
Western Arrernte/Arrernte people, Northern Territory
Wik people, Aurukun, Queensland
Wik people, Queensland
Wik-Mungkan people, Aurukun, Cape York Peninsula, Queensland
Wiradjuri people, New South Wales
Wunambal people, Western Australia
Yankunyjatjara people, South Australia
Yankunytjatjara people, South Australia
Yawuru people, Western Australia
Yolŋu people, Northern Territory
Yulparija people, Western Australia