Tom is a good example of how a young person can be inspired to participate in the creation of culture and the ongoing conversation of past and future objects as generations of artists interact with ideas, materials and processes of making.

At 10 years old, Tom Moore’s mind was blown when he saw a book of Margaret Dodd's ceramic Holdens. Margaret’s inventive interpretations of cars continues to inspire Tom's own work. Tom enjoys combining animal and plant forms with wheels to create strange cars.

Now a professional glass artist, Tom has works in the collection of the Art Gallery of South Australia and a major exhibition opening at JamFactory in October 2020 that will tour nationally.

Tom Moore with his work Bureau of Comical Ecologies, 2016 Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art: Magic Object, Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide; photo: Saul Steed.

Can you imagine, draw and describe a new idea for a car? What are some of the special features?

Tom likes to bring personality to all kinds of objects by adding a face.

When planning these objects, Tom draws the outline and then tries many different arrangements of eyes, noses and mouths to find a pleasing character and expression.

It is amazing to see how small changes to the arrangement can dramatically alter the personality and mood.

Try drawing facial features, cutting them out and using them to make variations of faces, photograph the best ones. You could also try cutting up pictures from an old magazine to add to the mix. Try different face shapes: oval, square, triangular, tea-pot.

It's more fun to do than it sounds!